Restore images and colors | Post date: 2019/12/3 | |
In this laboratory thin (nonmetallic) and polished (metal) sections are prepared and then studied in the microscopic laboratory. In the microscopic laboratory, the transmission light method is used for thin sections. For polished sections, detector equipment, which is a type of reflective light method, is used. Also, samples prepared during the projects of undergraduate and graduate students are prepared for study and preparation in the laboratory.
Laboratory Research Activities
- Training the preparation of all kinds of thin sections (polished blades on both sides, thin blades, polished blades)
- Training the polished sections (stone and powder samples)
Laboratory Equipment
- Sawing machine for cutting stone and sections
- Simple polarizing microscope: Studying thin and polished sections
- Automatic polishing machine
- New hot press machine: Preparing sections at 180 degrees centigrade and pressure of 20 KN for 15-20 minutes in a fully automatic program.
- Old automatic polishing machine
- Thin sections cutting machine
- Automatic polishing machine made by Streuers Denmark
- Old polarizing microscope: Studying the prepared sections