Doctor of Philosophy

 | Post date: 2020/01/26 | 
  • Mining Exploration Engineering
Prospecting of mine deposits based on structural and economic geology studies, sampling, geochemistry, geophysics and borehole drilling and integration of obtained information, delimitation of the mining area, and economic potential of the mineral are major activities of mining exploration engineers. Choosing this major needs suitable primary information of engineering mathematics, the geometry of complex volumes, and the ability to comprehend physical and chemical concepts of the earth, especially inorganic chemistry. The graduates of this major will be able to explore, evaluate and calculate the reserve of raw materials existing in a deposit.

Ph.D. Courses of Mining Engineering- Mining Exploration
Course Title Course Code Number of Credits
Exploration Projects Management 2792103 3
Planning of Exploration Projects 2792113 3
Environmental Geochemistry 2792133 3
Advanced Analytical Methods 2792593 3
Special Topics I (Groundwater Seepage Modeling) 2792663 3
Special Topics II (Seismic Tomography) 2792683 3
Advanced Geostatistics 2792603 3
Plate Tectonics and Mineralization 2792543 3
            Qualifying Examination 2727270 -
Thesis 2790900 -

  • Mining Exploitation Engineering
Explored deposit by exploration engineers will be named mine if it is rich enough and has a considerable reserve volume so that extracting its material is economically profitable. The art of extracting material from a mine is a branch of mining engineering called mining exploitation engineering and is one of the oldest and most complex majors of engineering in the world. Choosing this major needs interest and primary information of engineering mathematics, advanced geometry, innovative designs and spatial visualization, mechanics, and heavy machinery. The graduates of this major will be able to design, manage and extract an explored mine up to presenting raw materials to the market.
Activities of exploitation engineering are drilling, creating open and underground spaces from small dimensions to large ones, maintenance and structural engineering, transportation of extracted and drilling materials, ventilation in all underground mines range, collecting groundwater, and finally business and economy of minerals. Also, these engineers play an important and guide role in tunneling and metro engineering and creating underground spaces and the caves of hydroelectric power plants in the dam industry and the environment.

Ph.D. Courses of Mining Engineering- Mining Exploitation
Course Title Course Code Number of Credits
Systems Analysis in Mine 2791103 3
Optimization Techniques of Underground Mining 2781343 3
Open Pit Optimization Techniques 2781333 3
Ore Body Modeling 2781323 3
Mining and Sustainable Development 2791612 2
Mine Reclamation 2791133 2
Risk Analysis 2791563 2
Special Topics II 2791583 2
            Qualifying Examination 2727270 -
Thesis 2790900 -

  • Mineral Processing
Minerals extracted from mines for industrial use must be processed. Low-grade minerals to enter the consumption market require a series of condensation operations. Mineral processing with the aim to remove unwanted materials (tailings) and increase grade ore (concentrate production) plays the role of intermediary in different industries and mining sector. The mineral processing sector provides the primary food of all melting factories and the concentration of metals in the metallurgical industry.
In the case of non-metallic minerals (industrial minerals), almost all the economically important industries of the countries, such as chemical, agricultural, construction, ceramic industries, melting metals, and even medical science, are all consumers of minerals and the first purification step of these materials is carried out in the mineral processing sector.
The science of mineral processing is important because, without the concentration process, extracted minerals are not directly used in industry, and the mining activities that are the basis of most economic activities, face serious challenges. Processing operations increase the added value of the minerals and mining activities are economically justified.

Ph.D. Courses of Mining Engineering- Mineral Processing
Course Title Course Code Number of Credits
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Mineral Processing Systems 2795573 3
Seminar I 2794801 1
Electrochemistry in Mineral Processing 2785723 3
Solution Chemistry 2795563 3
Control and Disposal of Waste and Effluents 2795123 3
Qualifying Examination 2727270 -
Thesis 2790900 -

  • Rock Mechanics
Rock mechanics is a theoretical and practical science of the mechanical behavior of rock and is a branch of mechanics concerned with the response of rocks to the force fields of their physical environment. The imposed forces may be natural or man-made. In rock mechanics, the properties and behavior of rocks due to changes in stress and other conditions are studied.
Graduates of this major will be able to design and execute engineering structures in or on rocks in a sustainable manner.

Ph.D. Courses of Mining Engineering- Rock Mechanics
Course Title Course Code Number of Credits
Coupled Processes in Rock Mechanics 2794713 3
Advanced Fracture Mechanics 2794703 3
Special Topics I 2794563 1
Mechanics of Strata Control 2794113 3
Rock Mechanic Project Management 2794153 2
Ground Subsidence Engineering 2791113 2
Deep Drilling 2794513 3
Qualifying Examination 2727270 -
Thesis 2790900 -


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